Learn to brace it….
I am not going to deny , it has been really tough these last 6 months. Particularly having had 9 months away from racing post back injury. Come 2020 I had just started getting back into racing, this included 2 short lived celebration for both England 100k celebration and GB 24hr. One race already cancelled and the other then postponed. Then on top work went through the roof ” busier than ever” topped off with home schooling and ready to explode ! At one point my pleasure of running freely and outside maybe resorted to the treadmill, fortunately the beauty of living in an Oxfordshire village meant space was at a plenty.
A life of just training with no racing has been normality for many of us (unless in the Nordics or New Zealand) and for me additionally factoring in now school homework, walking the dogs, training and of course full- time work. The positives though, less traffic on the road has meant the environment has thrived, saving money and wasted time not travelling.
The hardest part has been like many having children always at home. No school for mine has impacted behavior, and for the first 7/8 weeks not seeing friends. I was always hopeful they would go back before September, sadly not the case as he said goodbye to year 7. It’s the one thing I wish the government had prioritized and also enabled virtual learning much sooner.
One not to dwell, back onto the positives, I completed my last 2 modules of life coaching, and qualified, consistent level of training behind me for when racing returns, a bonus from work , a thriving flowery garden and more importantly less travel equals more “ time”. I have missed seeing family and friends but now that’s allowed with social distancing has been great so I can train with others, sadly a holiday with the virus still high in countries not something I want to do and beaches rammed.
With regards to holiday’s for this year they will by UK only and work will carry on from home without office visits and customer onsite meetings.
I feel grateful to have my health, especially over the last few years having had glandular). Possibly the acceptance for us all is the reality of the new “ Norm”, and be grateful for the small things!