England Team Manager March 6th 2020 – I had put myself in for the team selection and a CV for the England Team for the 100k. Elated to be back on the team and a race I had enjoyed in 2018 for the GB selection. With the 100k World champs this year needed to have a good event behind me.

Amersham 50k – 8th March 2020 –
This was and will be the longest I had run in 9.5 months since my back injury. I knew from previous years how muddy the course can get and having done a training run a few weeks earlier with friends new there would be some waterlogged areas and streams. The race started off conservatively and very much a run on my own apart from spots where I bumped into few recognized faces. Incredibly challenging course, well stocked aid stations also included hand sanitizer and also a lot of mud and challenging navigation.
I did forget how much there were road sections midway that really played havoc with my feet on the hard sections. As I began to feel the effects of long miles and slowing, and the road started to rub my socks against my shoes I was then overtaken in the last 4/5 miles. I lacked the energy needed for the last few climbs. The ideal time went out the window as the course was very tough through water and boggy sections. What was lovely along the way my best pal Jo Smith like “Where’s Wally” popped up to support me, despite her mum being unwell in hospital. This really lifted me through the tough sections in the race. We spent some considerable time after chatting and catching up which was a reward in itself. I was happy to get 2nd place overall, although the icing on the cake would have been for another win. I reflection it was a big ask on some knew issues and also the furthest I had run in 9 months.

What happened next in the World?
Mid -March the races stopped or cancelled, restrictions on travel came in place and then there was “ lock down” on only going out when needed for one form of exercise, essential work travel and for food. Whilst I was chuffed to get two selections in March and my 3rd selection for England /British 100k it was likely to be either cancelled or moved. Regardless I must carry on training like Im going to race and use this opportunity to get fitter and stronger.
Official Announcement – March 31st – Then official announcement for GB came out post a call I had with the selectors the week of my course. Having submitted my CV early March, I got the great news I had been selected for the European 24hr. So interestingly just a few weeks on now, the 100k had been moved to September aswell and now only a week apart for both events. With not knowing when races will have lifted restrictions, or when events can resume this has meant I have my name down for both as it depends if any get cancelled.