
Run, Sam, Run!

Samantha Amend - GB & England Marathon and Ultra Distance Runner

Fighting the elements of Glandular….

by Sam Amend - 19th July 2017 | General News

The plan from Now until September From March being diagnosed with glandular fever has been my biggest battle yet despite also having capsulitis and also hamstring issues.  The list goes on with the band aids over the body and the body is fragile.

Things started to improve in April and the reason I went ahead to run the Anglo Celtic plate which sadly had to retire 75k in due to hamstring and achillies issues.  Long and short of it was I thought I could defy my body and it keeps coming back.

In July I went to visit an Olympic doctor to get advice and he basically said you need to get well and in essence all the pills and potions there is no magic fix and you need to take rest.  Deep down amongst a long discussion spoke with Norman Wilson who is working alongside my coach Rodger to help build up my endurance and push my ability with the 100k.  I know the rest and recoup is on the cards but we agreed one more chase for the World Champs qualifying time in Winschouten.  The race is on the 9th Sept, agreed also that after the race to take 4 week’s off running to try and combat the glandular once and for all.  So there are now no heavy fast pace work, just what’s needed to get me through the training.  I need to sleep more, eat well and do everything I can to get to the start line in 1 piece in just under 8 weeks time.

I have stopped enjoying racing and not achieving what I am capable of so we agreed I need to take away that pressure and focus on training.

