A late evening just before leaving for our trip to France for a holiday. We (partner and I) wanted to do this before relaxation week, well as best we could with 2 children and parents on tour!
The night got late and just shy of 10pm being told races previously would have more numbers than happened meant I had to rush to the start watching my 3000m the other side of the track about to start. I panicked and was left with a full bladder, no time for spikes.
Sadly although I chose to run the scrappy race of 35 runners which was too big for a track race and full of young kids. A PW (Personal Worst) 10.55 which I was disgusted with. Alex had a better race a shade of his PB but again too many people in the race. Watford evenings have become busy and even more so in the summer with too many 1500m races.