Something I had been training for pretty much December to the race day and was hopeful despite lots of issues going on at home, hectic work and training schedule that this would turn around.
Race prep was hectic and also with 4 dogs in tow and travel I didn’t really have the best build up, this also continued on the day trying to get parked. Having run Manchester on 2 previous occasions was hoping to better my self from a 3rd and a 2nd. Unfortunately although having met Katharine Merry at the start in an interview and also feeling confident about the course I just felt anxious and stressed. Without going into to much detail I started off fast and at 18 miles ran out of energy, I don’t think this was related to speed but more on emotions. At that point peddled backwards to finish in 2.52 my slowest race for some time, and with no time to run another had to move on and forget the disappointment.