It was a Humid but windy day on Sunday July 1st and the journey upto the event in Gloucestershire saw Cowbell ringer Jo ( Best pal and best ever supporter, even if I go deaf!), Phil Stephens (attempting the distance again after a break) and trusty running pal John looking to qualify for good for age, then my ever supportive partner Dave who always gets dragged everywhere as chief photographer and driver. The journey was 1.5 and with a late start meant I got a ” little lay in”. This time on the course I also decided to take less gels and more Ribena (love the stuff!) and run consistently throughout the laps.
This race was all a little strange from the start, it lacked atmosphere, limited marshalls and very low key considering they had a 50k UKA race. The lapping system was terrible a few guys I spoke to after clocked 26.8 and I know I lapped runners starting from the 2nd lap onwards to the last and would say added well over 800m+ and a loss of a potential PB. Tough conditions as it was windy from about a mile after the chip mat.
On a Positive note I didn’t blow up so considering I had to regularly ask people to move and taken them wide (sometimes 3/4 a breast) with 12 laps in total. It was a beautiful setting and I can take confidence that over the past 10 weeks I hadn’t lost any fitness. Also I had great support from friends and the trusty “cow bell ring” every 2.2 miles which should have dictated a good time as I felt no pressure. I have learnt also don’t stay disappointed for long it will affect performance and training.
Great preparation for Berlin Marathon… September 2012!